S.K. Malhotra1, MD

R. Muralidharan2, MD

A. Dutta3 MD


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1. Additional Professor

2, 3 Senior Resident

Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh-160012, India

Author for Correspondence:

Dr. S.K. Malhotra , M.D.
Additional Professor
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Chandigarh - 160012, INDIA

Contact Author


Myelomeningocele (MMC) repair is a common paediatric surgical procedure in our country. The standard protocol involves a preoperative cranial CT scan to evaluate the ventricles, insertion of ventriculo-peritoneal (VP) shunt, if indicated, before undertaking the repair of MMC. If the ventricles are not dilated the said surgical repair is undertaken straightaway. We report a case of a large lumbar MMC without any associated hydrocephalus in a child who failed to emerge from anaesthesia after an otherwise uneventful procedure. A typical sequence of pupillary changes was the only positive finding in the immediate postoperative period indicating possible acute transtentorial herniation ('coning'). He required prolonged postoperative ventilation and died after 2 weeks. The possible mechanisms involved and various clinical aspects are discussed.

Keywords: Myelomeningocele repair, Hydrocephalus, General Anaesthesia, Delayed awakening, Pupillary changes


MMC is mostly associated with hydrocephalus or Arnold-Chiari malformation (ACM) i.e. caudal migration of brainstem, which may be present at birth or manifests a few days after surgery. ACM type II may also present postoperatively in the form of tense and bulging fontanelles with features of lethargy, irritability, vomiting or even respiratory depression. MMC associated with hydrocephalus requires insertion of VP shunt prior to or at the time of surgical repair (Martz DG et al, 1990). We report a case of acute transtentorial herniation ('coning'), a rare and fatal perioperative complication of MMC repair in a child where preoperative computerized tomography (CT) scan showed absence of hydrocephalus.

Case report

A 18 month-old male child weighing 10 kg. was listed for surgical repair of lumbar MMC. A routine CT scan did not show any associated hydrocephalus. On preoperative visit, the child was conscious, slightly irritable and had weakness of lower limbs and incontinence of urine and faeces. No history of any seizure or neck stiffness was detected. The clinical examination of the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems did not reveal any abnormality. An echocardiography ruled out the presence of any congenital cardiac lesion. Haematological and biochemical investigations were within normal limits. After premedication with syrup diazepam 0.1 mg/kg, the child was shifted to OR and monitoring of ECG, NIBP and SpO2 started. After halothane mask induction, I.V. access was secured followed by administration of atropine 0.2 mg and morphine 1 mg. Endotracheal intubation was facilitated with succinylcholine 20 mg and anaesthesia was maintained with 66% nitrous oxide in oxygen and halothane 0.5-1 percent. The child was positioned prone and the ventilation was controlled with atracurium using modified Jackson-Rees circuit and EtCO2 monitored. Intraoperative fluid administration included isolyte paediatric solution.
The procedure lasted 90 minutes and was uneventful. The patient was turned to supine position. Respiratory efforts or response to oral suction were not present, and pupils were constricted and non-reacting. Naloxone, 25 µg in divided dosage was administered for suspected morphine sensitivity, but pupils as well as, respiratory efforts showed no change. Also, there was no change in the level of consciousness or motor activity. After 20 minutes of ventilation some limb movements in response to painful stimuli appeared. Hence, the reversal of neuromuscular blockade with atropine 20 µg/kg and neostigmine 50µg/kg was attempted without any success. Hypothermia, hypoglycemia and hypocalcaemia were ruled out.
After 90 minutes, pupils suddenly got fully dilated and continued non-reacting. Acute rise in intracranial pressure (ICP) was suspected and 20% mannitol i.v. 0.5 gm/kg was administered, but without any pupillary change. Arterial blood gas analysis was suggestive of mild metabolic acidosis, which did not need correction. Patient was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit for elective ventilation. A CT scan repeated after 24 hours showed diffuse cerebral oedema, small capacity ventricles and no skeletal malformation of the base of skull, foramen magnum or cervical vertebrae. Fundus examination on second postoperative day revealed no papilloedema and the eye movements were lost on cold caloric test. The child remained comatose and developed hypotension over the next 24 hours requiring inotropic support. The situation continued for 2 weeks and eventually resulted in cardiac arrest and the resuscitation was not successful.


Delayed awakening from anaesthesia may be due to various causes which include hypoxia, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, metabolic and endocrine abnormalities, paradoxical air embolism into cerebral circulation, intravenous and volatile anaesthetics, opioids or neuromuscular blocking agents (Denlinger JK, 1983; Clayton DG et al, 1985; Delisle S et al, 1982; Leila GW, 1996; Miller RD et al, 1975; Mcleod K et al, 1976). In addition, a patient may fail to emerge from anaesthesia if pre-existing occult or overt intracranial hypertension leads to herniation of cerebral cortex across the tentorium cerebelli or the brainstem though the foramen magnum.
Overdose of anaesthetic agents in our case was ruled out to be the cause as the accidental administration or drug overdosage was cross-checked. Hypoxia during the procedure is unlikely as the ETT position and bilateral air entry was checked before and after turning the patient into prone position. Continuous oxygen saturation monitoring, too excluded any desaturation.
Hypothermia and hypoglycaemia were also excluded as possible causes. Metabolic acidosis detected was mild and does not explain the catastrophe. Although, venous air embolism could be a possibility, but is usually associated with decrease in EtCO2 and brady- arrhythmias, not observed in this case.
Acute transtentorial herniation or 'coning' is a possible explanation as it occurs following a sudden change in the pressure gradient across the tentorium. An increase in the pressure in the supratentorial or a decrease in the infratentorial compartment could lead to this condition. Tentorial herniation is of two types, central and uncal. The latter refers to the impaction of the uncinate gyrus into the anterior portion of the tentorial opening initially causing oculomotor nerve irritation resulting in pupillary constriction, followed by compression of the oculomotor nerve resulting in pupillary dilatation, a typical finding in our case. Subsequently, coma can develop due to compression of the midbrain reticular formation by the para-hippocampal gyrus. Herniation of the intracranial contents through the foramen magnum can clinically manifest as tachycardia and hypertension (pressure over trigeminal or any sensory nerve nucleus), reflex bradycardia, sudden cessation of spontaneous respiratory efforts (pressure over respiratory centre), pupillary constriction (oculomotor nerve irritation), pupillary dilatation (oculomotor nerve paralysis) and papilloedema (defective drainage of CSF) (Ropper AH et al, 1998).
Central herniation of the brainstem through the tentorial hiatus reflects a pressure gradient between a supratentorial mass containing compartment and the posterior fossa. Such a pressure gradient is dramatically and dangerously increased by an ill-advised lumbar puncture. Central herniation causes progressive brainstem compression with sequential loss of pupillary responses and eye movements. Patients in deep metabolic coma, conversely, may show total loss of eye movements, but retain pupillary reflexes. With central herniation, pupillary reflexes are typically lost and eye movements become abnormal or absent (Harrison MJG, 1996). Central transtentorial herniation denotes symmetric downward movement of the upper diencephlon (thalamic region) through the tentorial opening in the midline and is heralded by miotic pupils (Ropper AH et al, 1998).

ACM, a common associated anomaly of MMC might be present preoperatively without clinical features of raised ICP (Martz DG et al, 1990). Postoperatively, sudden changes in transtentorial gradient across foramen magnum may lead to acute herniation or 'coning' and if gradual, may lead on to postoperative progressive hydrocephalus as observed in the present case. Moreover, there was no evidence of raised ICP in the preoperative period. The other common causes of delayed awakening from anaesthesia were ruled out. The presence of constricted pupils on turning the patient supine followed by a sudden spontaneous dilatation 90 minutes later was the only positive observation. Moreover, the eye movements were completely lost by 24 hours. This is consistent with transtentorial uncal herniation which might have been precipitated by the sudden fall in infratentorial pressure following sudden release of CSF from the tense sac of MMC.

Postoperative CT scan may not be confirmative because a coning event may be transient with long lasting effects. Moreover, a CT scan may not pick up even a minimal displacement of brainstem, as is possible with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

To conclude, a preoperative CT scan/MRI and fundus examination should be considered in all the patients with MMC to exclude elevated ICP, even in the absence of clinical features. Control of ICP through a shunt or drug therapy should be achieved before undertaking the excision of MMC. Measures to prevent the increase in the transtentorial pressure gradient should be considered, such as, selection of appropriate anaesthetic agents and techniques, avoidance of sudden release of pressure from the sac and adhering to a head-low position. Coning, as a possible cause of delayed awakening following anaesthesia in susceptible children should always be anticipated so that immediate measures to decrease the ICP may be timely initiated.


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2. Delisle S, Bevan DR. (1982) Impaired neostigmine antagonism of pancuronium during enflurane anaesthesia in man. Br J Anaesth. 54: 441-45.
3. Denlinger JK. (1983) Prolonged emergence and failure to regain consciousness. In: Orkin FK, Cooperman LH, eds. Complications in Anesthesiology. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co. 368-78.
4. Harrison MJG. (1996) Coma. In: Weatherall DJ, Ledingham JGG, Warrel DA, eds. Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3930-33.
5. Leila GW. (1996) Paediatric outpatient anaesthesia. In: Motoyama EK, Davis PJ, eds. Smith's Anesthesia for infants and children, 6th edn. Missouri: Mosby.
6. Martz DG, Schreibman DL, Matjasko MJ. (1990) Neurological diseases. In: Katz J, Benumof JL, Kadis BL, eds. Anaesthesia and Uncommon disease, 3rd edn. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 560-89.
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9. Ropper AH, Martin J. (1998) Acute confusional states and coma. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ et al, eds. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th edn. New York: McGraw-Hill. 125-134.