Ninety per cent of psoriasis is of the plaque variety. Plaques are usually sharply marginated. Psoriasis is extremeely rare before the age of 5 and uncommon between the ages of 5 and 10. Intertriginous psoriasis takes the form of smooth, confluent red plaques - not dry scale.
Pustular psoriasis responds disappointingly to treatment - it may responds to PUVA and oral retinoid. Methotrexate is given once weekly. Lassar's paste contains zinc oxide and salicylic acid, (coal tar may be added).
A child with an affected parent has a 25% risk of developing psoriasis later in life. This probability rises to 60% if both parents are affected. In psoriasis the epidermal turnover time is decreased from 28 to 5 or 6 days. Levels of arachidonic acid and its metabolites are raised in psoriatic skin. Precipitants may include scratches and surgical wounds (Koebner pehnomena), drugs (such as beta-blockers), -haemolytic sterptococcal throat infections, stress and in 10% sunlight.