Psychiatry On line Brazil (4) 04 1999
This is a new Psychiatry On-line Brazil section. We intend to divulge key Brazilian sites to Mental Health professionals, by compiling a list of all sites providing research, teaching and technical information services, information to patients and technical materials. Non-Brazilian professionals frequently wish to know Brazilian sites. We hope this page may represent a panel of the most expressive Mental Health area sites. We are looking forward to everyone's colaboration. This section is not destined to personal or commercial publicity. Therefore, only the aformentioned sites will be listed here. May Brazil On-Line be one more tool to sharing, discovering and enhancing quality productions developed by Mental Heakth professionals in Brazil.
Editor of Psychiatry On-line Brazil
Associations and Governmental Organizations |
ABP Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - Brazilian Psychiatric Association ( e-mail : AMB Associação Médica Brasileira - Brazilian Medical Association ( APM Associação Paulista de Medicina - São Paulo Medical Association ( CNPq National Research Council ( e-mail : CAPES
Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior - Higher Level Professionals Enhancement Cooordinating
Foundation ( Centro Cochrane do Brasil
Brazilian Cochrane Centre
Conselho Federal de Medicina -
Federal Medical Council ( CREMESP Conselho Regional de Medicina - SP - Regional Medical Council of São Paulo ( e-mail : FAPESP Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - State of São Paulo Research Foundation ( MS Ministério da Saúde - Ministry of Health e-mail: SBPC Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência - Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science ( SBIS Sociedade Brasileira de Informática e Saúde - Brazilian Society of Informatics and Health e-mail: |
Biblioteca Regional de Medicina ( e-mail : |
Mental Health Chats |
Psiconet ( |
Brazilian psychiatrists e-mail address |
A catalogue of more than 500 Brazilian psychiatrists e-mail addresses, grouped according to State of origin |
Mental Health Discussion Lists |
Lista Brasileria de Psiquiatria (Brazilian Psychiatry List): the first Psychiatry
discussion list, coordinated by Giovanni Torello, editor of Psychiatry On-Line Brazil
Lista Mineira de Psiquiatria (Minas Gerais Association Psychiatry List): the regional brazilian Psychiatry discussion list coordinated by Helian Nunes |
Search engines |
Argos ( more than 34,000 Brazilian pages Miner ( |
Mental Health didactic resources |
Virtual - Virtual Physician (
offers continuing medical education programmes, online courses and video-conferencing,
keeping health professionals up-to-date. Consultation on diagnosis, exams and databases. Psiquiatria - Psychiatry (http:// a Federal University of Santa Catarina site; offers didactic materials. |
Informatics and Health teaching and research |
de Informática em Saúde/Unifesp - Health Informatics Centre/Unifesp Núcleo de Informática Biomédica/Unicamp - Biomedical Informatics Nucleus/Unicamp ou Hospital Virtual (Unicamp) - Virtual Hospital (Unicamp): |
Mental Health postgraduation courses |
Programa de Pós Graduação do Depto de Psiquiatria da Unifesp/EPM - Department of Psychiatry Postgraduation Programme - Unifesp/EPM (São Paulo) |
Mental Health medical residency |
Programas de Residência Médica - Medical Residency Programmes (
editals, concourses, cases discussions and themes related to medical residents. Programa de Residência Médica em Saúde Mental do Depto de Psiquiatria da Unifesp/EPM (São Paulo) - Mental Health Medical Residency Programme of the Department of Psychiatry of Unifesp/EPM ( six vacancies a year are offered (first year), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Luiz Antonio Nogueira Martins. |
Mental Health Periodicals and Journals |
de Psicanálise (
a journal of Psychoanalysis, edited by the Fortaleza Psychoanalysis Association (CE) Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise ( - a Brazilian Psychoanalysis journal. Revista Cérebro-Mente ( , a Neurosciences journal edited by UNICAMP/SP Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica do Instituto de Psiquiatria da FMUSP - ( - a Clinical Psychiatry journal, edited by the Institute of Psychiatry - FMUSP |
Online services to patients and families |
Brincar (,
a Mental Health programme of the Institute of Psychiatry of the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro, aimed at psychiatric inpatients and their children. Psiconet ( a site to help patients and families on mental disorders, organized by the psychiatrist Dr Gedher. Informação Psiquiátrica ( site organized by Dr Paulo J. Negro Jr, NIH fellow. Saúde Responde |
Online services to the psychiatrist |
Humana - Human Mind (,
a site organized by the psychiatrist Eunofre Marques, composed of texts related to
Epistemology and Psychopathology. Mental Help ( a general information site in Psychiatry for physicians, families and patients. In English, Portuguese or German languages. PsicnetBBS (htp:// a general information site in Psychiatry, Psychology and related areas. |
Mental Health Thesis and Articles |
Banco de
Teses do Depto de Psiquiatria da Unifesp/EPM - Thesis Database of the Department of
Psychiatry - Unifesp/EPM ( Banco de Artigos do Depto de Psiquiatria da Unifesp/EPM - Articles Database of the Department of Psychiatry - Unifesp/EPM ( |
Universities (Departments of Psychiatry) |
State :
Other resources |
Casa da
Ciência - Science House (,
a site that divulges scientific texts, didactic materials, research projects, continuing
education courses, as well as an educational Software Databse,called the Infoteca. ( Revista Ciência hoje (SBPC) ( Saúdeweb (, general services to doctors (forums, hospitals, health care plans, etc) Guia do Médico Virtual/Mednet, general services to doctors. |
Razzouk and Giovanni
Date last modified:23/08/00