Part of The International Journal of Psychiatry - ISSN 1359 7620 - A trade mark of Priory Lodge Education Ltd

psi1.gif (3050 bytes)   globe4.gif (9321 bytes)Nline.gif (2767 bytes) barrabr.gif (6829 bytes)Databases - Psychiatry On-line Brazil (4) 04 1999


Medline   and  Altavista


Databases and On-line Libraries


ball12.gif (924 bytes) Cochrane Library (UK) and Cochrane Library (Au) - A database of systematic reviews and meta-analysis in Health Care (CDRS)

ball12.gif (924 bytes) Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CMB) free (login anonymous)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) DARE Databases: Access to systematic reviews protocols (free)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Internet Medicus - Access to Medline, Evidence Based Medicine, Medline Journals, Education, Full Text, Images, Practice Guidelines, Discussion Lists, Health Media, Conferences, Patient Education, Professional and Government Organisations. (payed)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Home Databases (MIDAS) : provides home-use payable licences to main databases.
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Latin America, Spain & Portugal (sources of Information in Eletronic Databases) a guide to social sciences, psychology and anthropology databases.
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Medcite - access to Medline, with articles organized by relevance.
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Medline free (Health Gate)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) National Network Libraries of Medicine Home Page - presents a huge list of Libraries throughout the different US regions.
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Ovid: an enterprise that offers individual or institutional purposes consortiums and licences of use of various databases, by CD-ROM or web access.
ball12.gif (924 bytes) PaperChase - access to MEDLINE, HealthStar, AIDSLINE with a search strategy interactive help (payed)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) PsychINFO e PsycLIT - psychology-related databases developed by the American Association of Psychology (use restricted to licence fees)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) PubMed - free access to MEDLINE (no password, from 1966 on) and PreMEDLINE. A project developed by the National Center for Biotechnology and National Library of Medicine.
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Silverplatter - includes National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database (since 1966, weekly updated), an articles delivery system (document delivery) and ascess to BioethicsLine Plus, HealthStar, MD Drugs, and AIDSLINE.



Search engines


ball12.gif (924 bytes) Altavista one of the most accessed search engines
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Argos records of more than 34,000 Brazilian pages
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Cade Brazilian search engine
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Excite topic-related search engine
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Hotbot  
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Infoseek  
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Lycos results presented by relevance
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Point an up-to-date web sites database
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Yahoo allows free serach by category

Databases related to Health Sciences

ball12.gif (924 bytes) Achoo Medical Sciences Canadian search engine
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Cliniweb disease-oriented medical sites searches
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Medical Word Search searches Health Science sites
ball12.gif (924 bytes) W3 Search engines various search engines


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Denise Razzouk and Giovanni Torello

Date last changed:23/08/00