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CIANS – Collegium Internationale Activitatis Nervosae Superioris, International Association for Neurobiology of Behaviour, Integrative Nervous Functions and Psychosomatic Relations have the pleasure to invite you to the

International C.I.A.N.S. Conference 2005

The Conference will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, June 29th – July 2nd, 2005

Program Areas Proposed:

● Electrophysiology of regularory and integrative functions

● Animal models

● Learning and memory

● Neuro- and Psychopharmacology and therapy

● Neuroendocrinology

● Cognitive modifications of behaviour

● Modification of risky behaviour – theoretical aspects

● Positive psychology and well-being

● Early interventions

● Psychosomatic relations

● Education and health promotion


Venue of the Conference:

Educational and conference center of the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SUZA, Drotarska street 46, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovakia). The center is located in an attractive, quiet district of Bratislava with an astonishing view on the city and the river Danube (see www.suza.sk).

Accomodation is allocated in the hotel of the above center (SUZA). Double rooms are at disposal. The prices: 15 Euro night/bed

20 Euro night/bed (one person in the room)

Registration Fees:

before May 1 2005 after May 1 2005

100 Euro participants 125 Euro

50 Euro PhD students, seniors 60 Euro

75 Euro individual CIANS members 75 Euro

40 Euro accompanying persons 40 Euro

Mode of payment

of the registration fee will be announced before the end of the January 2005

Preliminary registration: January 15, 2005

by e-mail: fedor.jagla@savba.sk

by regular post: Fedor Jagla, MD, PhD,


Sienkiewiczova 1,

813 71 Bratislava, Slovakia


Deadline for abstracts:

April 15, 2005 on the above addresses


Abstract: one page, Times New Roman 12, single spacing,

title – capital letters, bold,

name of authors bold,

affiliation italics,

two lines empty

All accepted papers will be published in the Abstract book

The short communications 3-5 pages will be published in the CIANS journal HOMEOSTASIS in health and diseases after regular rewieving procedure.


The maximum reading time is scheduled to 10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion




Bratislava has regular air connections with Amsterdam, Warsawa, Rome, Milano, Paris, London, Venezia, Stuttgart, Barcelona, and Prague (Sky Europe).

There is a regular shuttle between Vienna airport and Bratislava (45 km, bus) and between Vienna city center and Bratislava (bus and train).


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