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IX Congress of the Italian Society of Psycho-Oncology (SIPO)

The 9th Congress of the Italian Society of Psycho-Oncology (SIPO) will be held in Arcavacata di Rende (CS) June 16-18 2005. The theme of the Congress, "Optimizing Care in Cancer Centers", underscores the integration of care and cure fro cancer patients and their families. The Congress celebrates the 20th year from the foundation of the Italian Society of Psycho-Oncology. For information: www.oncologia-cosenza.org and www.siponazionale.it


VIII World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, "Multidisciplinary Psychsoocial Oncology: Dialogue and Interaction" (Psychsocial Academy, Ferrara, October 16-17 2006; Congress, Venice, October 18-21 2006)

The 8th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology will be held in Venice from October 18 to October 21, 2006. The Congress will be preceded by the Psychosocial Academy which will address, through intensive training workshops, the growing need for multidisciplinary communication on clinical, educational, and research issues in psychosocial oncology. The Psychosocial Academy will be held in Ferrara (110 km South of Venice), at the University of Ferrara, from October 16 to October 17. The theme of the 8th Word Congress of Psycho-Oncology, "Multidisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology: Dialogue and Interaction", underlines the need for scientific societies, health care agencies and academic institutions, to work together, share and integrate their knowledge towards a common language and accepted standards in the comprehensive care of cancer patients, their families and caregivers. Organizing Secretariat: Avenue Media, Via Riva Reno 61, Bologna, Tel +39 051 6564311, e-mail info@ipos2006.it. Scientific secretariat: scientific@ipos2006.it. Further information at the web-site http://www.ipos2006.it


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