Medicine On-Line: MCQs
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A may present with a functional systolic murmur
B usually causes hypertension
C causes nonspecific ST changes on ECG
D is often caused by Coxsackie virus
E is worsened by hypoxia and exercise
A is primarily characterised by right ventricular dilatation
B is associated with thyrotoxicosis
C is usually associated with valve calcification
D secondary to alcohol has a good prognosis
E may be a cause of the sudden death syndrome
Chronic heart failure:
A is incorrectly diagnosed in only 10% of cases
B often occurs when ECG and chest X-rays are completely normal
C has been shown not to respond to ACE inhibitors in large epidemiological studies
D should be routinely investigated using thyroid function tests
E in the elderly, if treated with ACE inhibitors may be complicated by a deterioration in renal function
Chronic Fatigue
1. Chronic fatigue sufferers:
A often complain of low-grade fever
B often have a self-induced pressurised lifestyle
C have a problem-focused coping style
D tend to feel socially unsupported prior to their illness
E usually have type A personalities
2. Patients with chronic fatigue:
A adopt a slower lifestyle after their illness
B may have Epstein-Barr virus which can be reactivated by psychological stress
C are equally as likely as muscular dystrophy patients to be fatigued by emotional distress
D are much more likely to report physical weakness than psychiatric patients
E all believe that they have a physical illness
F show physical responses to stress rather than emotional responses
3. The differential diagnosis of chronic fatigue includes:
A leukaemia
B solid white cell tumours
C systemic lupus erythematosus
D hypothyroidism
E depression
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