© Priory Lodge Education Ltd., 1994,1995,1996.

MCQs on Melatonin

Make a note of your answers to the following MCQs and compare them with the approved answers


  1. levels are decreased following tryptophan ingestion
  2. production is decreased by beta blockers
  3. supplements increase core body temperature
  4. given intravenously reduces prolactin levels
  5. production is increased by benzodiazepines

Exogenous melatonin:

  1. phase shifts circadian rhythms
  2. is reported to 'deepen' sleep
  3. exerts a hypnotic effect even if basal endogenous levels of melatonin are high
  4. affects alpha and beta waves on EEG
  5. may induce sleep by thermoregulatory effects

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Last amended: 6:24 PM on 02/03/96