Edited by Stephen J Baines
MA VetMB CertVR CertSAS MRCVS, Department of Clinical Veterinary
Medicine, University Of Cambridge
Welcome to Vet
On-Line, the first journal of veterinary science on the internet containing articles for
veterinary professionals and owners. The aim of this journal is to be a source of
information and new ideas in all aspects of veterinary science.
The professional section is designed primarily for vets, animal nurses, technicians etc.. Included in the professional section will be scientific articles, case reports, diagnostic techniques, situations vacant, details of referral practices and a vets lost and found column where vets may try to contact long lost colleagues. We hope that owners will find articles in this section both interesting and relevant to their pets. If you would like to contribute to this section or have any subjects which you would like to see featured then please write to the editor.
The owners section will include FAQS from owners. Unfortunately we are not able to answer questions relating to specific cases- if you are concerned about your pet , contact your veterinary surgeon . We will also feature review articles of commonly occurring conditions which will provide a source of reference for owners. If you have any suggestions for articles, or any other pages in this section then please contact the editor.
We hope that you enjoy reading this journal and look forward to receiving your contributions.
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