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Depression and suicidal behaviour: Psychopathological differences between suicidal and non-suicidal depressive patients Wolfersdorf, M. Ravensburg-Weissenau, Germany.
Suicidal behaviour and the co-occurrence of behavioural, emotional and
cognitive problems among adolescents
Garnefski, N & Diekstra, RR.,
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Leiden
Parental influence, pessimism and adolescent suicidality
Allison, S, Pearce, C, Martin, C, Miller, K, & Long, R. Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Service, Bedford Park, South
Australia, 5042.
Archives of Suicide Research, is published by Kluwer Academic Publishers Ltd
It is the official journal of the International Academy of Suicide Research. A selection of articles from past issues is available within Psychiatry On-Line - Archives, the paper-based journal, is available for either $135 or $84 US annually from Kluwer.

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