Anxiety and Panic Attacks: a public resource for patients. Paul Sturgeon |
Olanzapine and NMS Kanniah & Kumar |
Venlafaxine and Galactorrhoea-Case Report. |
COVID-19 and Mental Health
Professor Ben Green |
A new Hippocratic Oath for the 21st Century Professor Ben Green |
A Screening Instrument for Screen Addiction – the CAGE-SA
Professor Ben Green |
Women’s Narratives On The Psychological Impact Of Domestic Violence
Dr June Keeling |
Optimum Bed Occupancy In Psychiatric Hospitals
Dr Rod Jones |
An overview of delusional parasitosis
George, Alleyne & Kohli |
Comorbidity Of Anxiety In Depressed Primary Care Patients
Smith, Tamburrino, Nagel and Lynch |
Television And The Social Idealization Of Medicine In The U.S.
Bristow |
Psychiatric in-patient hospital activity in England: Time series analysis Singh & Kaur |
Early Prefrontal Cortex Insult And Conduct Impairments
William Sheehan and Steven Thurber |
One impact of the integrated care pathway on our service
NHS Tayside Guthrie and Tayar |
Alzheimer´s Before And After Alzheimer Euba |
Munchausen By Proxy: Understanding The Psychopathology Of Its Perpetrators
Bradley & Halder |
Effects Of Game-Based Relaxation Training On Attention Problems In Anxious Children
Michele Knox, Jennifer Lentini, & Stacey Aiton |
When Research Fails To Inform: Current Treatments For Depressed Children In An Inpatient Setting
Misty M. Ginicola, Christina Saccoccio. |
A Normative Sample Of The Social Adaptation Self-Evaluation Scale
K Jefferies, T Gale |
Changes In Weight And Body Mass Index With Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine And Escitalopram Therapy.
Walke, YSC, Pereira YS |
Self harm, repeated self harm and the role of prevention programs. Comparative analysis over the periods 1983-1990 and 2000-1007 in Trieste. Francesca Bertossi et al |
Psychological Effect of Lower Limb Injuries among Football Players Hamed, El- Kalupy & Hifnawy |
Prevalence of Viral Illness Immediately Prior to Presentation of
Anorexia Nervosa Mike Thomas |
An Explanation Of Guided Discovery In Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Neel Halder |
How well do doctors understand the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000?
Donaldson, Tayar & Connelly |
The assessment and management of benzodiazepine misuse and dependence Praveen & George |
New Perspectives on Gene-Environment interactions in Schizophrenia Chiu et al |
Secondary Sexual Dysfunction and Antipsychotics Singh, Sandhu, & Kaur |
Has That Dose Been Given?
An Audit Of Missing Administration Signatures On Medication Charts In A Psychiatric Hospital
Carter, Cahill, & Haw |
Alzheimer’s Disease: Role Of Oxidative Stress And Its Treatment With Antioxidants
Dubey, Singh, Zine, & Patole |
Association Between Violent Video Games And Aggressive Behaviour In A Clinical Sample Of Hispanic Adolescents.Gutiérrez et al |
Psych-Technology: A Systematic Review Of The Telepsychiatry Literature
Melaka and Edirippulige |
Shell-Shocked And Confused
Sheehan, Roberts, Thurber, & Roberts
Stigma Of Mental Illness Continues To Impede Early Diagnosis And Treatment Of Affective Illness In The United States
Landino, Roy and Buckley |
The Decline of NHS Inpatient Psychiatry in England Green |
Symptom Presentation of Rural Crisis Patients Steven Thurber and Eugene Bonynge |
What's the point of nutrition and mental health? Green |
The Use of Rating Scales by Canadian Psychiatrists:
Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence.
Oloruntoba Olubok |
Self-Esteem Of Out-Patients With Schizophrenia Shamsunnisah & Hasanah |
Breaking the specialist - primary care services barrier in treating heroin addicts. George et al |
Psychosocial and biological interventions in the management of mood disorders Bowers |
Using The Internet To Study Psychiatry
Marley |
On The Universality Of Mystical And Ecstatic Conditions Sheehan, Kishi, &Thurber. |
The Big-Seven Early Markers For Childhood-Onset Psychosis Spectrum Disorders Young |
Selective Changes In Affinity States Of Dopamine D-1 Receptors In Amphetamine Sensitization: Implications For Schizophrenia.
Chiu, Mamelak & Mishra |
Neuropsychological Functioning In Children Of Patients With Schizophrenia
Anuradha, Srinivasan & Padmavati |
Charles Dickens - An Early Case Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Ben Green |
A Shared Baby: Two GPs And One Addiction Consultant Grow Their Own 'Shared Care Scheme' For Drug Using Patients George, Boulay, Ryan, McDermott, Wallace, Saikia |
Reducing prescription errors on psychiatric inpatient wards
Bowers et al |
Is Internet Addiction a Valid Psychiatric Disorder? George and Lenihan |
The primacy of neuroleptic-induced D2 receptor hypersensitivity in tardive dyskinesia
Michael Hoerger |
Subtypes of depression Singh and Rais |
Parenting Stress In Primary Caregivers Of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Children Knox & Singh |
The Psychiatric Rehabilitation And Evaluation Program (PREP)
Oluboka, Saltstone, Stewart et al |
Polypharmacy in patients with schizophrenic disorders treated in a psychiatric outpatient care unit
Brüggemann, Ziegenbein, Elgeti |
Freud and Anaesthesia Vijayan |
A Survey of Supervised Consumption of Methadone in England
Luty et al |
Implications of Sex-Distribution of Two Mental Disorders for Gender Models in Psychiatry Brüggemann & Garlip |
The MRCPsych Examination Green |
Genetics of Schizophrenia Rais, Singh, Rais |
Catatonia in an Outpatient Clinic Kendurka, Sharma & Saluja |
Attending to Deficits in ADHD Clinic
Bellenis, Bachlani, Badrakalimu |
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and Borderline Personality Disorder Badrakalimuthu & Wills |
Compulsory Treatment under the Mental Health Act O. Chao and H. Pathmanandam |
Remelteon: management of insomnia with melatonin receptor agonist Omar et al |
Publication Bias against Addiction Disorders Luty et al |
Suicide Attempters Quiles, Lopez, Millan |
First Episode Psychosis - factors affecting duration in Malaysia Rohayah & Hasanah |
Behavioral Disorders in HIV infected Adolescents Banerjee et al |
Skin Signs in Eating Disorders Mazzola |
User involvement – myth or reality? Pemmaraju et al |
Obsessional Jealousy Agarwal et al |
Deliberate Self Harm (DSH) Green |
Toxoplasmosis & Psychiatry Singh |
Pain and Somatisation Green |
Mental illness does it make you more violent? Singh |
Professional Status of Psychiatrists - good but not great Luty et al |
Depression in carers of People with Dementia Shah & Wadoo |
Comparative Study of Clozapine, Electroshock
(ECT), and the Combination of ECT with Clozapine in Treatment-Resistant
Schizophrenic Patients Khalilian et al |
Anorexia nervosa and altruism Sheehan & Thurber |
Child Abuse and its Relationship to Conduct Disorder Lyttle & Brodie |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Girls Ahmad & Anderson |
Acute Psychosis with
Paranoid Features in a Young Patient with Usher's Syndrome:
A Case Report Rais & Rais |
OCD and beta haemolytic Streptococcus: a nasty association. Mazzola & Mazzola |
Diabetes mellitus in Hospitalised Bipolar Patients Khazaie et al |
Survey of the prescribing practice of Addiction Psychiatrists in the UK for Alcohol and Opiates treatment Ashir & Orekan |
Psychobiological Depression in Childhood and Adolescence Messina & Tiedeman |
Clinical Trials Research: making the most of Research Opportunities as a Psychiatric Trainee. Briess et al |
The Invention of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Green |
Increasing access to appropriate counselling services for Asian people: the role of primary care services Netto, Gaag and Thanki |
Clinical Judgments of General Intelligence in Relation to Obtained IQ Thurber, Lee and Bonynge |
Use of Antidepressants During Pregnancy Latoo and Mufti |
Low Serum Cholesterol Levels, Depression, and Violence in Adolescents: a pilot
study in rural Minnesota Sheehan and Thurber |
Impact of an outpatient dietary intervention on antipsychotic-induced weight gain Khazaal et al. |
Patient Choice Survey in General Adult Psychiatry
Hill & Laugharne  |
Anxiety Disorders and Concomitant Characteristics of Inpatients Referred for Psychiatric Consultation in a University Hospital Kishi et al |
An instrument to guide symptom-specific treatment of residual depression symptoms
France and Sparhawk |
Munchausen's and Sickle Cell Disease Padder et al |
A Study of Finger Length Relation (Ring finger & little finger i.e. 4D5D) with Human Personality.
Devasis Ghosh  |
MRI Changes in Cocaine induced encephalopathy Balamuthusamy & Desai |
Clozapine versus Classical Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia using SPECT and PANSS. Sharafi M. |
Dissociative Identity Disorder and Temporal Lobe Involvement: Replication and a Cautionary Note.
William Sheehan, Barry Sewall. |
PTSD in the aftermath of a police operation Ziegenbein et al |
Temporal-illusory conjunction in schizophrenia Watanabe et al |
Psychiatric disorders in hemophilia Fakhari & Dolatkhah |
Current Practice in the Management of Insomnia Donaldson & Muzaffar |
GABApentin Treatment Response in Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)-Refractory Panic Disorder
Chiu |
Bispectral index controlled anaesthesia for ECT Hanss et al |
Othello Syndrome in association with Primary Hyperparathyroidism Goggins, Emerson & Nowers |
Th2-shift in schizophrenia: primary findings from whole blood in vitro stimulation Chiang et al |
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy As A Clinical Intervention for Childhood Disruptive Behaviours: A Meta-Analysis Ghafoori & Tracz |
Validation Of Malay Version of Geriatric Depression Scale among Elderly Inpatients Teh & Hasanah |
Service innovations: role of liaison psychiatrist in dental practice George & Oyebode |
Significance of obsessions and compulsions in schizophrenia. Literature review and case study. McGowan & McIlroy |
Detecting psychiatric comorbidity in patients with epilepsy or non epileptic attack disorder at a specialist neuropsychiatry centre: a clinical audit. Goggins, Pattison, Upton and Bird. |
Efficacy of rTMS in Treatment Resistant Depression Goggins |
Psychopharmacological treatment of autistic disorders:
Lofexidine as an useful alternative Niederhofer, Staffen & Mair |
Psychopathology and Psychiatric
Disorders in Neuropsychiatric Patients. A Prospective Study. Ray Goggins |