Family Practice: Review Articles
and Papers

STAT!-Ref (cd-rom). A Review
Tom Heston MD
'White Coat' Hypertension
Catherine E. Cooke, PharmD, BCPS
Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy
Somdutt Prasad MS FRCS
Family Practice, Family Therapy
Atwood and Weinstein
Saw Palmetto
A Warning-
Arnaldo F. Trabucco, M.D
Marijuana, Medicine and Politics
Lester Grinspoon, MD
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, US
Current Review by Arlene Goldman
Emergency Drugs
Paediatric Pharmacy Drug Therapy Problems
Abstracts from Alder Hey Children's Hospital
Malaria by Arlene Goldman
Special review of the electronic BNF by Dr Carl Littlejohns
Melatonin - a review by Dr A Goldman
Dementia by Dr Mavis Evans
Drugs of Abuse by Dr Paul Miller
Managing Change
Depression in Family Medical Practice
Depressed doctors - and resources for them
Sexual Disorders an overview


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