CONGRESSES IN PSYCHONCOLOGY September 2002 update. 6th WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY: The Art and Science of Psychosocial Oncology, April 23-27, 2003This exciting conference represents a joint effort of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (http://www.capo.ca) the American Society of Psychosocial and Behavioral Oncology/Aids (ASPBOA), and the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS). This international conference will bring together experts in the area of psychosocial oncology from around the world. The theme of the conference is: The Art and Science of Psychosocial Oncology: Advancing Research, Strengthening Advocacy, Refining Clinical Care, Forming Alliances. There will be opportunity for each of these activities as professionals from all fields of psychosocial oncology and advocacy will be present. The conference locale will be the Banff Centre, featuring the stunning backdrop of the beautiful mountain village of Banff, Alberta. Located just one hour west of Calgary, Banff provides many opportunities for activities such as world-class downhill and cross country skiing, natural mineral hotsprings, shopping and beautiful scenery.The deadline for abstract submission is November 15, 2002. All abstract submission will be done electronically through the website ( http://www.capo.ca).Preliminary Program Information Submit Abstract - email: banffcongress@cancerboard.ab.ca
EVIDENCE-BASED PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, Padua, October 5 2002 Organized by the Italian Society of Psycho-Oncology - Section of Veneto, a full scientific day will be dedicated to the stimulating area of "Evidence-Based Psycho-Oncology", on October 5, 2002 in Padua. The day will focus attention on the different kinds of psychotherapy and their efficacy in oncology, by examining the data emerged from randomized clinical trials. The afternoon session will be dedicated to the presentation of an interview to Jimmie Holland and an interview to Maggie Watson about the themes of the congress. For information: Dr. Samantha Serpentini, tel 049-8212980
POST-UNIVERSITY TRAINING COURSE IN PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, Ferrara, Dicembre 2002 Aprile 2003 Organized by the Section of Psychiatry, University of Ferrara, the Post-University Training Corse in Psycho-Oncology has been set up. The course, scheduled in four intensive modules, will be held in Ferrara from December 2002 to April 2003. Four main areas will the focus of the Course, namely communication and relation in oncology (conductor: Michele Tomamichel, MD, Lugano), recognition of psychosocial problems and disorders in oncology (conductor: Luigi Grassi, MD, Ferrara), counselling strategies and techniques (conductor: Marco Bellani, MD, Varese), and group interventions in oncology (conductor: Anna Costantini, PhD, Roma). Deadline for registration October 31. The course is reserved to psychologists and physicians, for a maximum of 30 participants. For information luigi.grassi@unife.it.
CONGRESS "CURING AND CARING IN ONCOLOGY: OPEN SCENARIOS", Reggio Emilia, November 9 and 23 2002 The Congress "Curing And Caring In Oncology: Open Scenarios", will be held in Reggio Emilia on Novembre 9 and Novembre 23, 2002. The congress is organized by the Local Health Agency in co-operation with the Reggio-Emilia Hospital, Melagrana ONLUS, Montericco Hospice and other agencies. Among the speakers, David Le Breton, Lella Ravasi, Carla Tromellini and experts in the field. Registration is free (deadline October 31) For information: Carla.Tromellini@ausl.re.it |